Follow along our journey to deliver sustainable adventure to all.
Latest story
At Trail Trust, we believe that the thrill of adventure should be accessible to everyone, regardless of physical abilities or background
Trail Trust awards over $150,000 to 19 nonprofits during 1st Quarter to support adventure for all
Fox Factory's Trail Trust program is contributing over $150,000 to 19 nonprofit organizations during the first quarter of the year to help expand educational and experiential opportunities outdoors
Trail Trust makes North Carolina Great Trails workshop possible
In 2021, we announced our partnership with the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council (NOHVCC), a national nonprofit organization focused on furthering a positive future for responsible OHV recreation.
Partnering with Clean-Dezert to preserve our public lands
Clean-Dezert is a nonprofit organization dedicated to removing trash from the desert and contributing to a cleaner environment.
Grant applications are currently closed. Please check back for an update on submission timing in early 2026.